Thursday, 27 August 2020

Python vs Java: Battle to Win Over Characteristics, Features & Performance

 python vs java

When the talk is about developing lightweight, unique, and specific web or mobile applications, the professional realm of programmers gets to choose among a pool of different and amazing programming languages.

The development of algorithms, the production of efficient code, and numerical experimentation are already a part of the circular baggage of the professionals most in demand by the market where Python and Java have emerged as benchmarks.

The robust languages of today, Java and Python, monopolize much of the attention in the training stage as well as the development stage, considering the different productivity metrics of each.

Java-Python Face-Off

Java vs Python: the developer community worldwide has a great debate about which of the two programming languages is the best where each developer defends his point of view to make a wise decision.

This article will objectively analyze the characteristics of the two unique object-oriented languages that will enable you to have a criterion to choose between any of these trending languages. 

Python vs Java for mobile app development is the next big thing that arouses curiosity among developers as well as non-developers to gain crucial insights into the potential the two vigorous languages embed. A piece of information i the same context is also highlighted as you read along.

Recently, Python emerged as a more advanced programming language than Java and started a debate between Java and Python among developer communities. 

Let’s see which one rules out as per productivity metrics.

Some time ago, software developers developed their systems in a C-class environment and programming languages. After a few years, Java emerged on the horizon as a better option with unique advantages. For example:

  • Java is a compiled language
  • Java requires JVM (Java Virtual Machine) to run codes
  • It has better OOP support, and possess compact and comprehensive encoding patterns
  • The language has powerful libraries which allow developers to go beyond the desktop, the web and even mobile application development

Lately, a powerful and advantageous new programming language appeared which none other than Python.

  • Unlike java, Python has interpreted the language
  • Thus, Python doesn’t require a virtual machine to run the code
  • Python code is directly interpreted by machines and is converted into a byte code that devices understand 

These were some fundamental differentiators of the two superstar programming languages. We’ll further help you to enhance your knowledge by providing more information on their advanced features.

Let’s proceed.

Which is More Fashionable? Java or Python?

How often people search for language tutorials and learning courses on Google.

#Java Trends

Java has passed its half-life and is getting old to gradually fade from the trends in the programming market. However, the popularity of Java in business and mobile application development is immense and non-ignorable.

-Among the static types of programming scripts, Java is still the king.

-Java is a well-defined language, so you can’t write code without first defining a class.

-Being an amazing OOP language, the mentors who prepare developers are prescribed to learn Java first. Thus, a developer can get used to the latest coding styles, patterns, and best practices.

-Java is a multithreaded language and runs an 8-core CPU.

-Due to tough competitions in the market, genuine Java developers are making it compact in code, coding faster than ever, and are providing more flexibility than previous versions.

-Thanks to the powerful JVM, coss compatibility between platforms and devices is incompatible and unbeatable in the market.

-Thus, 90% of fortune 500 companies prefer Java.

-Google has selected Java for its Android platform from the beginning because of its immense benefits both in the technical and general sense.

The Most Utilized Languages shown by Github’sstatistics

#Python Trends

Python is currently gaining astonishing growth and popularity in rich and developed countries where people are open and can afford future technologies such as AI, IoT, Machine Learning, and Big Data-based application development as well as implementations in innovative startups.

-Python is very useful in desktop applications, web applications, network servers, and media tools.

-Python is great for improving developer productivity, providing flexibility in the language, having excellent library support, and easy to learn, particularly who knows at least one OOP script like Java.

-Python is single-threaded due to its global Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)  and runs on a single CPU core at the moment.

-Python is a favorite language among the next-generation developers and the demands of Python developers are greater than those of Java which reasons why Python developers earn a higher salary than Java developers.

-Python encoding requires fewer lines of code to express the same in Java.

[Prefer Reading: “10 Unforgivable Mobile App Development Basics Mistakes Everyone Makes.”]

Comparison of Performance Aspects of Python and Java

When we technically say that Java is using a virtual machine (JVM) to run code on any machine, we know that it will always perform fast. Interpreted programming is always slow in performance. Therefore Python is still slower compared to Java.

Unfortunately, this is not always true. As a general rule, the performance of languages ​​depends on the environment. Other issues to consider are the types and power of libraries, coding styles, and the applied paradigm.

Python supports multiple paradigms like functional, OOP, and a combination of them. Whereas Java is only one and it is OOP. However, if you have developed an application in Python but when you are going to scale it, you must enter Java. So performance becomes a complex metric in a sense, and direct comparison to Java is a nightmare.

Market Share and Community Support Comparison: Java vs. Python

When thinking about the market share of a language, reliable market surveys are useful tools to know. According to these surveys conducted two years ago and in the current year, we have observed that Java remains at the top, while Python in 2017 ranked fifth, but in 2019 it is next to Java.

Surveyors have considered the popularity of a language based on its demand from recruiters in terms of the number of job openings in a period. Hence, we can say that the differences are slim between Java and Python.

Another metric for comparison is the developer community. The higher number of community members for one language than another indicates how the developers have adopted it and what great support you can get from the community.

Without a doubt, Java has a larger developer community than Python in terms of user groups. Those groups are available on various technical forums and platforms. They are also capable of extending helping hands to another developer, either for free or at a reasonable fee.

One more fact should be revealed here when we compare the popularity of a programming script. Some programming niches are better suited for a particular language than others.

[Prefer Reading: “Mobile Application Security: Best Practices for App Developers.”]

Multilingual FTW for Java and Python

Today, “full-stack” development is a buzzword in the market. It means that full-stack developers have capabilities to work across multiple languages, platforms, and frameworks, therefore a team of developers may prefer a particular language when it finds it suitable for particular projects and their goals.

For example, Python is the best bet for data scientists, artificial intelligence experts, and machine learning application development. Java can be great when dynamic/server-side, embedded, and cross-platform application development is required.

Do You Know?

Python is a Literary Programming Language

In the early days, a programming language was used solely for application development, but today it has a variety of applications in addition to development. It means that non-programmers also jump into code without programming skills.

Java has concise syntax and developer-friendly for creating software applications. However, Python is different on this front. It is simple like the English language and easy to code with a smooth learning curve.

Another important aspect of Python is being able to build good coding techniques for a wide range of applications or uses, this means that Python is becoming a popular programming language in technical schools and universities. A student never feels like he is doing special things like programming. Instead, they approach it like writing an essay.

In literate programming techniques, the code, explanatory prose, images, graphics, and other presentation materials belong to single documents, and the code remains executable with the environment. Python supports literate programming environments using Leo and Jupiter Notebook as IDEs.

Therefore, Python, being a literate programming language, excels in several areas such as presentation, demonstrations, teaching, collaboration, and research.

[Prefer Reading: “Which are the Major Forces that Determine the Mobile App Price?”]

Monday, 17 August 2020

Growth Hacking: A One-Stop Solution for Rapid Business Expansion

 Growth Hacking

Are you looking for a technique that tends to expand the growth graph of your business at a recognizable pace?

Are you hunting to find a solution that helps you quickly, and with a few resources to grow the domain of your business?

Then let me reveal that one-stop answer that is synonymous with rapid business expansion.
Growth Hacking!

Growth hacking is no intangible concept which is presumed by many.

It is not even magic that would lift up the growth by millions after a few hours of execution.

Nevertheless, it’s a smart technique that aims to increase the business volume of a company or an organization with a minimum investment of time and money. 

Hacking can bring remarkable progress if analyzed and monitored properly and requires inducing smart marketing and innovative brand-building tactics, utilizing the best technical software, and digital marketing services.

The business techniques you invent, the strategies you apply, and the tools you implement prove effective in growth hacking only if your desire for growth is well defined and indexed with customer-oriented practices.

A Succinct Go Through of Growth Hacking 

If we count the primary objectives of a company, these are the ones which can be counted on fingers and are the most obvious ones:

  • Increased Sales
  • Boost in Web Traffic
  • Ever-increasing Contacts
  • Sky-high Visibility

And, growth hacking can help you achieve all these without stepping out of your financial budget. For this reason, it also accounted to be one of the most effective business strategies used by all the startups amid COVID-19 as they are new in the game and do not possess many resources at their head start.

What all does it combine?

The discipline made its advent way back in 2010 and combines marketing techniques, social networks, product improvements, and web analytics. Although all these seem to be very comprehensive, on practical grounds these are detailed concepts that consume time to deliver expected results.

Currently, growth hacking has expanded and is highly recommended to apply in online businesses, online marketing strategies, and blogs. 

[Prefer Reading: “Digital transformation Checklist for Your Business.”]

Does Growth Hacking Differentiate itself from Digital Marketing?

Both the terms mentioned have unique identities by which we can say that none of the two would replace each other. However, digital marketing and growth hacking are on the same page when the emphasis is laid one experimentation, creativity, revolution, and measurement in order to accomplish the set business targets.

Both the facets of business progression follow the same principles and share the same metrics to fulfill their motive when applied to business or trade:

Increased Engagement, Increased Conversion, Increased Retention!

Keeping the only difference in setting the scope of their goals. And it won’t be wrong if we say that marketing activities can have a broad focus to achieve an overall outcome of the efforts made while hacking can define its goals to receive singular outcomes.

How to Implement Growth Hacking?

Growth hacking can be applied in video marketing, any content marketing company, any eCommerce firm, in short, any company or brand and products or services which keep us to be mindful of the fact that everything relies upon creativity, with which strategies should be carried out and executed.

Thus it becomes vital to know the characteristics of the products, services, brands, along with the traits and behavior of users which highlights the consumption pattern and gives clear insights into the path of exponential growth.

Advantages to reap out the robust concept can be defined with respect to other similar products, comparing them, and offering a plus to the potential users or prospects who have the highest possibilities of converting.

Many strategies come to play when the need is to direct the focus and attention towards the campaign. Growth hacking campaigns such as Referral Strategies, Remarketing Strategies are put to exercise to derive expected business outcomes.

Let’s take rundown at some of the workable strategies linked to derive fruitful outputs with minimum inputs.

Awe-Inspiring Growth Hacking Strategies to Apply in Business

#1 The Wow Effect

One of the best strategies to surprise and keep customers happy and in love with your brand is to attain the WOW effect as it’s a rarely used technique and it always works. 

The WOW effect is based on offering users more than they expect, without asking for anything in return. They can be things as simple as:

-A personalized business gift

-A free ebook 

-Extra after-sales services

-Make a custom call to know how the product seemed to him

Who won’t like to acquire something from a brand/company without asking for anything in return?

On the special occasion of Christmas, Semrush surprised some of its start customers with several gifts. With such an attempt, they managed to make users happy, which made them share the details over their social networks. 

#2 The Acquisition Strategy

This is based on applying the mythical phrase that we all know, “If you can’t beat your enemy, join him.”

This can be exercised in different ways, depending upon whether you are more interested in a merger, participation as a partner or directly buying their part. 

Buffer, one of the most powerful tools in the online world, in order to level up the count of registrations, bought Digg platform in 2012. Digg is a floating bar that is added to websites and blogs and that allows content to be shared on different social media channels.

This purchase allowed Buffer to add its social bookmark to the Digg Digg widget and thereby gain the subscription and trust of all users who already used that platform.

#3 Demo Versions and Free Trials

It is a very interesting strategy that is based on developing a platform that allows users to test the benefits that the tool brings to the business. 

The magical idea here is that it can be used for free without advertising. It simply serves to show that the customer can buy the features/benefits of the product for himself for a limited time. It’s a good way to make a brand known without being intrusive where the brand promotion is indirectly done by the users.

UserLike decided to create a widget that allows you to test the URL of a website and do a simulation of how the software works. With the technique of “try, and if you like it, you can keep it”, the brand acquired 40% more subscribers on its websites.

[Prefer Reading: “AI’s Interference in Digital Marketing.”]

#4 Referrals or Member Get Member

It is a growth hack technique widely used by large companies and is based on offering users a reward or some type of discount when they recommend and get one of their friends or family to register on their platform(s).

This is a good way to engage with users and gain business traction.

One of the good examples is Dropbox, which in its growth strategy, chose to give more free storage space on the platform for each invitation accepted by its friends. With this, the number of dropbox users increased from 1,00,000 to 4,00,000 in just 15 months. 

#5 Integration with Social Networks

If you need to register on a page to use a specific service, it is easier for you to do so if the page has the option to log in with Facebook, Twitter or any other social network, instead of having to do the complete registration process from scratch, something that by the way is very annoying, and who hasn’t had to do this hundred of times.

There enormous brands and businesses that have chosen to bet on this system and facilitate the registration or login using social networks. Here the growth hacking technique simplifies the registration process on a specific page and benefits from the social network databases through which the user registers.

#6 The Power of Contests

If this tactic is implemented correctly, your business will not only grow, but it will also do so in a way that you could never believe.

The working idea is to launch a contest or raffle an attractive product for the community for users to participate in it to create some type of interaction with the brand. It can be ‘likes on Facebook’ or ‘RT on Twitter’ or ‘Follow on Instagram.’

You can use various tools to create contests and promotions where, in less than even 5 minutes, you can post your sweepstakes on Facebook, without having to create a design, program, or invest resources, all while increasing interaction with your fans.

Now that you know a little more about this revolutionary concept, designed to increase the growth of your business, what is your opinion? Are you going to start betting on Growth Hacking? 

Let’s be happy to know your opinion!

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Why Do Businesses Crave for Ionic App Development?

 Ionic App Development

Undoubtedly, an app is the most feasible asset to propagate a business idea that takes a dynamic form bypassing various crucial stages of mobile app development. An app occupies huge potential to develop a wide range of audiences while keeping intact all the essentials of app creation.

There has been a comparison between hybrid and native apps for quite a long time and with the advent of new app development frameworks, they both have entered a new phase that is capable of bringing disruptive changes in the mobile app industry.

User experience, design, and themes, layouts, are the obligatory elements of an app that can be better embedded and enhanced using one of the top frameworks in use, that is, Ionic Framework.

Ionic is an open-source technological framework used in the development of hybrid mobile applications. By combining the HTML, CSS, and Javascript code, we obtain applications with a friendly and intuitive interface for the user.

And not to forget, the most amazing element is developing a single code, it facilitates creating apps for both Android or iOS.

A Quick View of Ionic’s History

The ionic framework is built on AngularJS and Cordova. It was born in 2013 with a sole aim to facilitate the developers to create hybrid mobile applications with the benefits of the two mentioned frameworks.

One of the major advantages of working with Ionic is that it takes advantage of Cordova’s plugins (handling of hardware, software, images, text, QR codes, etc.). In 2016, it was updated to the Ionic 2 version, with modularization, one of the most complete updates of this framework, allowing it to be separated into parts: core, angular, native.

The Ionic 3 update is practically imperceptible in terms of new functionalities, although it does bring new features in its performance.

Continuing with the development and upgraded tools, in version 4, it begins by replacing Angular JS with modern Angular. The component set of this tool uses custom elements the shadow DOM APIs, available in all modern desktop and mobile browsers.

Another novelty that Ionic 4 brings is that it allows to use React, Vue, Angular, or Javascript for the development of programming logic. 

Ionic 5, recently launched on 2/11/2020, arrived announcing these improvements on its page where this version includes iOS 13 design updates, a new API to create your own custom animations, renewed Ionicons, updated ionic colors, new initial designs, improvements in the customization of components and more.

With all these accounting features it has become easier to expose the native functionality to the web application in a cross-platform way. The development of mobile applications with Ionic guarantees that the implementation of the project is much more stable, simple, and with an optimal user interface.

App development with Ionic is mostly the preferred choice and also a recommended option for almost all the startups who seek to build interesting and intriguing applications built with an intention to develop a strong business base and business growth.

[Prefer Reading: “10 Unforgivable Mobile App Development Basics Mistakes Everyone Makes.”]

Why Opt for Ionic App Development?

Today, cross-platform app development has taken all the hype, and frameworks considered best for the same are Ionic and PhoneGap. Out of the two Ionic is the most likely chosen framework for creating native and progressive web apps through a web platform.

Let’s check out some more benefits that Ionic tends to bestow upon us:

#1 Native App Creation, Feasibly Possible

The wish of startups to develop a budget-friendly native app is granted by the holistic framework of Ionic which is no less than an extraordinary trait. Ionic either can provide Ionic’s native plugin ecosystem or can lend an aid through the native wrapper.

Developers can target potential audiences with ease and can readily build native apps for any operating system.

#2 Single App, Double Platforms

Simply put, a single app developed in Ionic can serve the users of both Android and iOS. The rising concerns here are only focussed upon the mobile app development cost for SMEs as it will tend to cover a huge monetary value as unexpected.

Even though the app budget is a heating concern, Ionic business apps prove to be seamlessly beneficial in spreading business reach.

#3 Flawless Functionality Offered

Performance and productivity go hand in hand when we talk about ionic app development. The platform ensures seamless app performance across different platforms.

Ionic builds powerful apps that can stand out in the app development race and win it, grabbing user praise. Companies can migrate their existing apps (native/hybrid) to the Ionic framework.

#4 Minimal Development Time

One of the important factors that fuel the race of competition is rendering apps with reduced TTM (Time to Market). This is where the framework gives an upper hand to developers to create intuitive applications in the shortest interval of time, rendering everything necessary to compact the development time.

#5 Innovation with Result

Developing an app with embedded necessary features and launching it doesn’t end the role. In today’s materialistic world of trade, a business must know how to maintain an innovative approach after its inception.

Innovative, Intriguing, Interesting, Interactive are the four necessary abstract values a digital app must possess to distinguish itself from the rest. Fortunately, the Ionic App flow certainly helps you derive innovation out of your development efforts by managing the entire app lifecycle with ease and flexibility.

#6 Startup-Ready Framework

While limiting the troubles of developers, Ionic framework for mobile app development is an ideal solution for delivering the essence of customization and personalization in the mobile apps, thus, taking user experience to the next level.

As said earlier that Ionic is a recommended option for SMEs, I won’t be hesitant to say that it is a one-stop-platform for budding businesses to connect with the right audience with the right apps, available to develop at instant disposal.

Ionic framework is capable of providing all the desired features, keeping limitations at bay. Take a look at some of its offerings:

 – UI patterns for M-commerce apps like Tab bar, Side Nav, etc.

– Different Cordova Plugins

– ToDo and User Registration Features

– Ionic 4 Service can communicate with a REST API

#7 Easy Adoption

Developers having sound knowledge of CSS, JavaScript, HTML can assume learning and developing in Ionic as a cakewalk. Development companies can leverage Ionic and acquire expected results if their business requirements are inclined towards hybrid app development.

#8 High-End Performance Delivered

Ionic combined with native app code in PhoneGap delivers far better performance as well as productivity than hybrid applications. Ionic uses the power of AngularJS for hardware acceleration and CSS transitions are put to use for enhancing the GPU and maximizing the processor time.

[Prefer Reading: “Top Cross-Platform Mobile Frameworks’ Comparison: React Native vs Xamarin vs Flutter.”]

The Wrap Up

If you ask which is the best framework for developing a business app, then truly there is no good or bad, it’s just some fulfill their motive successfully and others possess some flaws for which they are neglected.

All the platforms, frameworks, or tools are just tailored to solve specific tasks and are intended to simplify human activities. And, if we say who among them leads, then being the most preferred choice Ionic tops by solving many development sprees across various platforms, utilizing technologies at their best.

[Note: With all that said, the decisions are made on priorities that dictate one’s choice]

If you are looking for experienced professionals, holding expertise in AngularJS, and who are well-versed with JavaScript, reach out On-demand and Dedicated software developers of NetSet Software who can help you develop your high-performing dream applications. 

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Easy Steps on Getting Started with iPhone App Development

iphone app development

Little by little, knowing how to program is something that is becoming an obligation in our society on a multitude of topics. We can think that only engineers should program, but the truth is that in many branches of knowledge programming is something that is used more and more.

This is why companies like Apple, is emphasizing that the smallest of the house should start to code since it will soon be very necessary.

Smartphones and other categories of devices are considered the marvelous creations of technical experts. iPhone stands out to be one of the perfect choices for communication, business, and entertainment where 83% of teens in the United States own an iPhone and this proves Apple remains the staple of the American way of life.

Before getting our hands on the steps to develop your first iPhone/iOS app, let us get acquainted with some general but necessary information that deals with 

iPhone App Development: A Quick Overview of the Mandatory Elements

Getting started with iPhone app development hails down with plenty of business advantages, thereby, maintaining sustainable customer relationships and improving the company’s efficiency on the development scale.

There are many hoops to jump through when it comes to developing apps for Apple or iOS. 

Developers must first learn Xcode, which is the integrated development environment for iOS operating systems, and contain a suite of software development tools developed for inventing various different types of Apple applications.

[Prefer Reading:  How to Get Started with Android Application Development? ]

How does Xcode work?

Xcode runs on Mac and has everything and has everything developers need to build applications for OS X, Apple Watch, and web and iOS applications. In 2014, Xcode started to use Swift as its coding language instead of Objective-C, which is a pretty difficult language for developers to transition and learn.

With iOS nine, Apple introduced Swift Twenty. Developers can put their code in a Git repository and share it with other sets to cooperate in the development process.

Xcode’s model-view-supervisor approach makes managing the code, in each and every application, simple with tools like Builder Interface which lets developers drag and drop different visual controls into the application’s code.

AutoLayout helps developers monitor the presentation of the application, depending on the size of the user’s screen. With Storyboard, developers can see what each screen in the app looks like, and Preview mode gives a sneak peek at what the app will look like when it’s ready.

Xcode is free to use, but if developers want to publish their applications in iTunes or in the Mac OS X store, they must pay for an annual developer license. 

Application Publishing Process 

Even if developers know how to use Xcode, publishing an iOS app is not an easy task. The initial step is to sign up for the iOS Developer Program, which costs a considerable amount for a year’s membership.

The moment an organization signs up, each of their developers has a provisioning profile that they can use to sign iOS apps with a company certificate and choose exactly which devices the app runs on. Each certificate lasts for one calendar year, as a result, developers must republish their applications every year with a new certificate.

Entertainment does not stop there. The developer should also send a certificate signing request to the iOS Provisioning Portal. When the certificate signing request is approved, the developer can sign the application for an unlimited number of devices. The certificate value lasts for three(3) long years.

Existing Options for Delivering Applications to Users

When developers go through the certificate maze of iOS app development, they use the Apple Store App to deliver the apps to the users. The Volume Purchase Program lets organizations deliver apps to users’ devices without associating them with an Apple Id.

There are many alternative options to the app store. Administrators can deliver their iOS apps to users over the air from a web server, without connecting a device to the iOS Configuration Utility host. Users simply click on a link to download applications, and IT can safeguard applications with encryption so that only authenticated users can access them.

In addition to this, administrators can give applications through iTunes, but this procedure is only realistic when users connect their iOS devices to a computer or Mac with that software. Another procedure that requires a connection to a Mac/Computer is the Apple Configurator, which works best when administrators are configuring around thirty devices in unison.

[Prefer Reading:  10 Unforgivable Mobile App Development Basics Mistakes Everyone Makes ]

Steps to Develop your first iPhone App

Step1: Get Xcode

Hope you now have got an idea about Xcode, if you already have it you can skip this step. Xcode provides the SDK for creating iPhone/iOS app and only runs on Mac OS X so one needs to have a Mac or a cooperative friend who owns a Mac.

Download Xcode

Go to the mac app store (available in mac os x 10.6.8 and later) and search Xcode. Get going with the download of the first option that is available. The is lengthy for which it is recommended to have a nimble internet connection.

Step2: Open Xcode & Setup the Project

Listed are the sub-steps you need to follow for a head start:

-Open Xcode.

-Go to File>New>Project.

-Click on Single View Application and click Next.

-Name it Hello World! (or whatever text you wish to be displayed)

-Decide whether you want it to be an iPhone app, an iPad app, or universal 

-Make sure to use storyboards and Use Automatic Reference Counting are checked

-Then Click Next

-Navigate to where you want to save the file and then click Create

Step3: Write the Code

Initiating with the programming, ViewController.m file would come to use. 

Listed are the sub-steps for your programming to start

-Open file ViewController.h

-Between @interface ViewController : UIViewController and @end add the following code: 

@property (strong, nonatomic)IBOutlet UILabel *label;

This label shows the (‘Hello World’ or any other) text. If an empty circle appeared next to the line of code, then you wrote it right.

-Go to ViewController.m

-Under @implementation ViewController add @synthesize label; and in the viewDidUnload function add [self setLabel:nil];

-In viewDidLoad, add the following code: self.label.text = @”Hello World!”; (or any other text)

This is where programming gets complete.

Step4: UI Connection

To get started with the UI, listed are the milestones you need to achieve one by one

-Open MainStoryboard.Storyboard

-Find a label and drag it onto the view 

-Resize the Label to your liking by clicking and dragging on the squares in the corners of the label

-Go to the Attributes inspector 

-Make sure it is centered, and choose the font and size you want.

-Open the Assistant Editor, it should open ViewController.h, if not, you need to change it to ViewController.h 

-Remember that circle I told you about earlier? Click and drag from it to the label you just added. If you did it right, the circle should be filled

Step5: App Execution

Once completing all the parts, hit the run button to verify if programming is done correctly or not. The display of text Hello World will prove your efforts of correct programming, thus creating your first app.

Step6: Making your App More Advanced

If you want to proceed further with adding up some extra features/functionalities and make it a bit modern and advanced, exercise the following:

-Delete the label we added to the UI as well as all the code we wrote up to this point.

-Open ViewController.h and add the following code between the @interface ViewController: UIViewController and @end:

@property (strong, nonatomic)UILabel *label;

Notice how a circle did not appear this time? That’s an indication that you did it correctly

-In ViewController.m add @synthesize label; right beneath @implementation ViewController and add [self setLabel:nil]; in the viewDidUnload function.

-In the viewDidLoad function add the following lines of code:

//Define where the label will be displayed

self.label = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 100)];

//Define the text to be displayed

self.label.text = @”Hello World”;

//Center the Text

self.label.textAlignment = UITextAlignmentCenter;

//Programmatically add the label to the view

[self.view addSubview:self.label];

-Hit run and check whether the modifications made show up to the mark results.

[Reference source:]