Tuesday, 10 April 2018

6 Customer Gaining And Retaining Strategies For Marketers

No sale happens on its own.  One has to put sweat and blood  to engage customers and convert the prospecting leads. Some marketers are able to make sales while others cannot , they can debate on why the sales didn’t happen but there are certain factors one has to keep in mind to define sales and 
digital Marketing strategies.

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Customer acquisition is a strategy one has to learn before going big in the marketplace. The whole thing is about providing information about your products or services to the potential customers. I am going to list few strategies which can help any business to bring new customers as well as retain old customers.

1. Find Target Users
Finding potential leads for your business is the first stepping stone. Having a target marketplace is important to confine your target audience. Then you need to find ways to reach these people, for them to try your services or products. After you receive feedback you can alter your services or products according to the needs of the users.

2. User  Trends
The next thing to keep a note of is the whereabouts of the target audience. You should be aware of the online and offline existence of your customers. Knowing your customer will let you define marketing strategies. For example finding out that on which social media platform are your target customers mostly found.  So it becomes more easy to confine reaching or targeting your customers on that particular  social media platform in order to get in touch with them.

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3. Video Sharing
The next checkbox is establishing your brand name through multimedia and initiate customer engagement. Start off with a video upload. It should emphasize on customer satisfaction, hence providing value to your valuable customers. Also posting videos on your website will make customers to stay on your website for a longer time. Posting links on social media of the website videos will land customers on your website. Hence increasing the traffic on your website.

4. Spread The Word
Word to mouth means of marketing is the oldest and newest through media like instagram, plays an important part .Snapchat is another way to connect directly with your customers. You should not underestimate the impact of the referrals. One should also track the word to mouth impact ,to find out if it is a positive or negative impact, so that one can imply changes.

5. Rich Content
In order to start establishing and holding up a position in the market , companies have to produce rich content on daily basis. This content can be in the form of blogs, insights, social media interaction directly with the customers . Then white papers is always the best way to attract more customers , this works best for technology related companies where they can put information about their services.

6. Search Optimization
After creating the social media base for your brand with the quality content, you now need to increase the ranking of your brand on various search engines. The best way is through seo services, this includes analysis of the content on your website and blogs. You have to use long tail keywords and need more backlinks to your website.

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