Monday, 30 April 2018

“Voice Based Search” Rewriting The Future Of SEO

Voice Based Search and SEO Techniques

Voice based searches are surpassing the traditional typed searches and the fun part is, it is just the beginning of such an era. Saying OK Google, or Hey Siri or Hi Alexa and giving our command to our mobile devices is fascinating for many of us and we are getting habitual of using voice based commands with time passing. We all have asked Siri or Alexa to remind us to call someone, or give driving directions to some place, or wake us up at a certain time, and also thank them when they do that for us. It is not just little personal assistance, but these digital people in our devices are actually providing us any information we want from the web. And with every conversation we have with them, they learn and become more intelligent in understanding you and your natural language. People are becoming so used to of it that they are even using voice to text feature of mobile phones to write messages on texting apps like whatsapp etc.

When we dig into why voice searches are become so popular and much used, the reason that comes out is "Convenience". People feel it’s easier and quicker to speak than to type, just like people prefer to call than to text. In the early years of introduction of voice searches, voice to text mismatches were somehow annoying to the users but with time, voice input has achieved high accuracy and high intelligence. It is great to see how this evolving technology has made space in our daily lives and hence opening up whole new horizon of opportunities.

Most of the voice based searches are used to look for information on the web; it leaves us thinking how it will affect the Digital marketing strategies going forward. There is one more thing that adds to our curiosity, which is maximum voice searches happen on mobile phones compared to laptops and computers that will change the SEO techniques even further.

List below mentions certain points to consider when optimizing your content for voice input which would also make your website more user-friendly.

Natural language: language used in voice commands is more natural than giving text commands. Voice based keywords are more like natural conversation happening between 2 people. For example, when text search is done on Google, broken sentences are written, more like phrases – weather today and the same command on voice search becomes – how is the weather looking today? So when creating content for voice seo, writers should try using more natural keywords in the content.

Long Keywords: As mentioned above, long sentences or long keywords are used in voice based searches and this is why using long keywords in the content should be made best practice. Doing so would improve the organic SEO search rankings for websites optimized with such content.

Mobile optimization – a must: most voice searches are done on mobile devices. This means for better search rankings, the websites should be optimized to be viewed on mobile devices. By this we mean, the websites should work seamlessly on mobile devices with responsive web designs.

More optimized for user questions: By this it means, include “questions” in the keywords. While writing content, include answers to Who, Why, What, How and when questions that users may have while giving voice commands. This will also make your website more user friendly, more meaningful and more engaging with the customers.

If these things are kept in mind, the SEO search rankings of the websites would improve a lot for voice searches making businesses more visible and more reachable. Every new technology creates a ripple effect when trying to settle in to the existing one, but the ripples are for better and more advanced features.

To know more on Digital Marketing strategies, visit us at - 

Saturday, 28 April 2018

Tips For A Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Email Marketing Campaign Services

Digital Marketing is a creative strategy because there is a lot of content involved for on-page and off-page SEO. Email marketing is one of its key components and the only way of marketing where you are initiating a conversation with your prospect customer. Everything else is right there on internet, for the users to read and contact you back if they please. Email advertising is the only place where there is a scope of a one-on-one conversation with the users.
As simple as it sounds, there are certain things to be kept in mind while finalising an email marketing strategy for your email campaign.

Target right audience – You don’t want to be selling a comb to me if I am bald person. That’s how it works with your audience too. Sell the right thing to your customers, something that they need, or if you can convince them that they need. Your email campaign would be a success only if you are fulfilling what your users need because only then the readers would get back to you and that’s how leads are generated.

Personalize the email – don’t make it sound like it is an email that you sent the same email to almost the entire city. Include first name of recipient in the email, personalize it so when the users read the email, they feel connected and they feel you are really trying to talk just to them.

Keep it simple – simplicity can take you a long way. Including flashy graphics and videos won’t do as much good as a simple layout would. Keep the layout professional and promising since this would be the first time many users would learn about your existence in the industry.

Too much content is bad – you don’t want to put your readers to sleep with an essay long email content. It is always best practice to keep the content less but meaningful. You want to give out more information in fewer words. If there more to your story that you would like to tell include a read more link for users to read if they are interested. Also keep in mind that to ensure a great user-experience include a good responsive UI/UX design for the email. Creating a mobile responsive email layout would enable the email to appear nicely on any device the user is accessing his email on.

Call to action included – Always include a call to action link in your email that you are sending to your prospects. This would ensure user engagement, and would make it easier for you to convert the readers to your leads. In the end, the whole purpose of an email is not limited to just being read by the users, it’s beyond that too.

Great subject line – every good sale started with a great punch line. For a successful email campaign, it is the subject line. Keep the subject line simple, crisp, communicative and attractive – all at the same time. It should compel your users to actually make an effort to click on the subject, open your email and give it a good read.

Considering all these factors in your email campaign would take you a few steps closer to a successful email marketing campaign that would generate good number of leads for your business.

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

How Important A Web Design Is To A Digital Marketing Strategy?

Almost every business owner asks this question to their digital marketing agency when they mention web design as a part of digital marketing plan. Answer to this question is “it is extremely important”. This will throw light on how web design actually is the core of digital marketing. Every element of digital marketing drives users to the website of the business hence it becomes essential that the website design is optimized and user-friendly. The web design helps with Search Engine Optimization, Pay per click, Conversion Rate Optimization, branding. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – SEO Marketing is one of the biggest reasons businesses get their websites redesigned, because they are convinced that Web design and development would help in search engine ranking of the website. Google has many factors that count for a good ranking and businesses incorporate all those elements when redesign on web pages happens. This is what makes businesses make their way to the top of search engine rankings. 

Pay Per Click (PPC) – Businesses invest in PPC campaigns to increase traffic on the website. But to assure the visitors stay on website and convert to customers the web design has to be promising and engaging so the users perform action on the website. The UI/UX of the website should be well designed and fast in responding to user actions if the goal is to receive high quality scores and lower CPC.

Digital Marketing Agency

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) – the web design has to be such that anyone who visits the website should convert into customers. This can be achieved by conversion rate optimization via custom web design. The website should be secure and authorized so the users feel conformable making a transaction on the website. This is done by ensuring these critical things while developing or redesigning the website. 

Constant Branding – the website is the face of the company and the brand. For anyone who has a vision for good website, it won’t take them a second to spot a bad website. For anyone who is not so tech savvy would be able to tell if the website is of a good quality or not. A negative experience on the website is harmful for the branding of the company. If required a custom web design should be done to assure a positive user experience which is healthy for the company’s brand name. 

Although other elements of digital marketing are important like email marketing, blog marketing, on-page and off-page SEO, SMM, PPC, CRO etc, the webpage optimization and design is the base. Without a good website, all the incoming traffic to the website would not stay on website for long, which doesn’t solve the concern of getting no results after executing a digital marketing campaign. 

Friday, 20 April 2018

15 Digital Marketing Tips For Successful Results

In simple words, anyone would define digital marketing as the practice of advertising about something using digital technology. The actual process is not as simple as its definition. It is like bringing users to a webpage, and convincing users to try the product without directly saying “you should try our product”. It is more of a strategy and less of a concept. It should be a well planned campaign execution if assured results are an expectation.

Listing down tips for online digital marketing strategies to ensure successful results and great campaign execution:

 1.      Own Domain always best – it is always a best practice to use own domain than using some third party domain hosting service and not getting a white labeled domain name.

2.       Use a private server – It won’t cost a fortune to own a virtual private server but the magnitude of benefits companies get out of it.

3.       Professionalism is the key – the company website should be kept simple and professional because that is what leaves an impression on the users about the company’s reliability and quality of work.

4.       Faster the better – even the impressive graphics and content do no better when the users have to wait for long for the webpage to load. The website should be optimized for speed, so the loading is fast irrespective of the device being used or data being used.

5.       SEO needs attention – a planned SEO expert strategy is the base of a successful marketing campaign. SEO is the catalyst that makes a website visible on search engines and drives traffic to the website. In the end, the whole idea of digital marketing is to be visible and be known, and making way to the top of search engine results which is only achievable by implementing a great SEO plan. Hiring a professional SEO agency is not a bad option.

6.       Invest on PPC – companies shouldn’t be afraid to use pay per click marketing approach. PPC brings in more customers and more business since businesses get advertised by the search itself.

online marketing startegies

7.       Presence on Social Media – Everyone is on Social media these days. This makes social media engagement with the users and followers a must to do. Nothing like social media to spread awareness about the product.

8.       Over-promotion does the damage – excess of everything is bad. It holds true with marketing and promotions as well. A strategic marketing technique is healthy for the business while over-promotion is unhealthy.   

9.       Be original with content – Duplicate content is more dangerous than less but original content. All the content on the webpage and off-page should be original or recreated.

10.   There is no limit to content quantity – the content cannot be quantified that so much is enough. There is an unlimited need for content to keep webpage updated and keeping brand visible online.

11.   Publish and promote – publishing alone doesn’t do as much as publish and promote does together. The content that is published should be promoted on different platforms to get more user base.

12.   Email Campaign – underrated hero – Emails even today convert better than any other mode of digital marketing strategy. It’s like personally talking to prospects and taking an initiative to simplify things for them.

13.   Responsive web for great response – more 85% of users access web on mobile. This makes mobile responsive website a must have so great user experience is ensured irrespective of device the user is using.

14.   Never overlook Mobile apps – Website alone isn't enough to keep users engaged. Companies should invest in android and iphone mobile application development so the companies reserve a real estate space on users’ mobile devices.

15.   No end to digital marketing – Digital marketing campaign is not a onetime thing. If companies feel it’s enough, there is possibly another company running a campaign regularly and eventually beat you in search engine rankings. Just like the famous rabbit and tortoise race.

To know more visit:

Friday, 13 April 2018

IT Healthcare Benefits For Clinicians And Patients

Healthcare Organizations, be it hospitals or small clinics, are spending a hefty amount of money and time on e-healthcare platforms. But what really are the key benefits of these “one-time” expenses to the healthcare providers and Patients.The optimistic futurists are extolling the adoption of e-platform and with the naissance of internet of things there are tremendous benefits for both the sides.

The key to faster and improved care in healthcare industry is a software solution.It can be a website or a mobile app development as an intermediate between patients and healthcare providers.Most of the healthcare organizations are already using mobile technology.

Benefits for patients:

No more filling registration forms every time
There are a lot of redundant entries to be made every time a patient goes to see a doctor or makes a visit to the hospital.They are handed a  list of documents that they have to fill putting name and other details on each form.This is done to keep a record of their personal information and their  medical history.We as a website development service need to enlighten healthcare services that Instead of filling every piece of paper, software solutions are provided to save patients information like personal information or medical history and the information is propelled automatically.They can use an app or can use a website to register for the healthcare services and can upload previous medical documents.

Lower wait times and no standing in the queue
As everything will be populated electronically once patients have registered with information and it becomes easy for administrators to organize patient details in a digitized way. This way patients get quicker aid and care.

More personal clinician communication
As clinicians can find patient data at one location electronically and they don’t have to search for information.Nothing is lost or missing when it is digitized and accessible through even a mobile phone, this can result in more interaction with their patients and quicker recovery results.

Benefits for clinicians

Easier to incorporate HIPAA.
Mobile applications now have a provision of managing the medical records as electronic medical records and content management systems where clinicians can upload data without breaking any HIPAA rules.

One location for all patient content
After registration and putting every detail of patient history in one location, enables staff members to access database and search for any information required.

Access information whenever, wherever
With the every record in a mobile app or website, accessing the records should not be difficult when any emergency arises as it has the required available information about the patient and recovery process can start soon instead of studying and analyzing the patient information.

Improve patient satisfaction scores.
Quicker, timely care means happier patients.

Lower administrative costs.
Less use of paper to fill all those forms for registration and less scanning saves a lot of time of staff members  managing all the content and results in increased savings.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

6 Customer Gaining And Retaining Strategies For Marketers

No sale happens on its own.  One has to put sweat and blood  to engage customers and convert the prospecting leads. Some marketers are able to make sales while others cannot , they can debate on why the sales didn’t happen but there are certain factors one has to keep in mind to define sales and 
digital Marketing strategies.

ppc services

Customer acquisition is a strategy one has to learn before going big in the marketplace. The whole thing is about providing information about your products or services to the potential customers. I am going to list few strategies which can help any business to bring new customers as well as retain old customers.

1. Find Target Users
Finding potential leads for your business is the first stepping stone. Having a target marketplace is important to confine your target audience. Then you need to find ways to reach these people, for them to try your services or products. After you receive feedback you can alter your services or products according to the needs of the users.

2. User  Trends
The next thing to keep a note of is the whereabouts of the target audience. You should be aware of the online and offline existence of your customers. Knowing your customer will let you define marketing strategies. For example finding out that on which social media platform are your target customers mostly found.  So it becomes more easy to confine reaching or targeting your customers on that particular  social media platform in order to get in touch with them.

smo services

3. Video Sharing
The next checkbox is establishing your brand name through multimedia and initiate customer engagement. Start off with a video upload. It should emphasize on customer satisfaction, hence providing value to your valuable customers. Also posting videos on your website will make customers to stay on your website for a longer time. Posting links on social media of the website videos will land customers on your website. Hence increasing the traffic on your website.

4. Spread The Word
Word to mouth means of marketing is the oldest and newest through media like instagram, plays an important part .Snapchat is another way to connect directly with your customers. You should not underestimate the impact of the referrals. One should also track the word to mouth impact ,to find out if it is a positive or negative impact, so that one can imply changes.

5. Rich Content
In order to start establishing and holding up a position in the market , companies have to produce rich content on daily basis. This content can be in the form of blogs, insights, social media interaction directly with the customers . Then white papers is always the best way to attract more customers , this works best for technology related companies where they can put information about their services.

6. Search Optimization
After creating the social media base for your brand with the quality content, you now need to increase the ranking of your brand on various search engines. The best way is through seo services, this includes analysis of the content on your website and blogs. You have to use long tail keywords and need more backlinks to your website.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Responsive Websites Getting Great Response

 mobile app developers

Responsive websites are nothing but regular website that adjusts to the screen size of device it is viewed on. With the increase of mobile users, it becomes a need for businesses to go responsive to begin with. Even before launching a mobile app.Mobile App development can be a time consuming and a bit costly affair and this is why until businesses get to the point of having a mobile app. Almost 60% of searches are done on mobile device. People now days have become so habitual of using mobile devices that they barely log on to their laptops to access the web.This is why responsive web design is an important part of going online.

We would discuss on a few reasons why RWD (Responsive Web Design) is so important:

Easy adaptation To Any Screen Size:These days’ devices in the marketplace come in different screen sizes. Unlike older times, presently even the iPad screen size differs, and so does iPhone, leave aside Android devices which were of diff screen sizes from the beginning. Responsive web design of the website would optimize itself based on the device user is opening the page.

A Responsive Website Improves Your SEO Efforts: It is proven that Google likes RWD of websites. Websites with responsive design secure a higher place in search rankings because of a better user experience than the non responsive websites. P.S. Google prefers single URLs for responsive sites than different URLs, and has a pre-set responsive web design pattern.

 mobile app development services

Provides a Seamless User Experience: Viewing a non responsive website on a small phone screen is painful to eyes and this is one big reason users drift away from mobile browsers. The chances are they would never come back to the mobile website of a brand unless they start android and iOS app development.But the trend of responsive web development has changed the game. The users sometime don’t even know if its web service that they are using or an actual mobile app. Seamless user experience is what this battle is all about.

Lower Cost and Website Maintenance: When it comes to gaining users, companies don’t even mind spending money on iphone and android app development because customer is business. Bigger the customer base, bigger the profit for the company to earn. With the introduction on responsive web design, companies that don’t feel the need of investing in developing mobile apps since they are getting great response from responsive websites.

Shopping on mobile devices is steadily growing: Statistics say more than 80% of users use their mobile device for online shopping. Online shopping has proven to be more convenient and more preferred by the users than shopping in store. It is not practical for users to have individual apps for each brand they like. It is instead a good idea for them to shop using mobile browser, and the users want a responsive website for a great shopping experience.

NetSet, as a leading custom mobile app development company is helping companies’ worldwide in getting their business online. With years of trust and relationship building we have deployed dozens of fully functional e-commerce platforms. To have a comparison on how your platform can be more efficient that online platforms drop us a line on